• Breaking News

    miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

    Google releases new video on how to hire an SEO consultant

    Google has added a new video to their do you need an SEO help document page. The 11 plus minute video walks people through the process of hiring an SEO consultant or firm. It tells them what to look for, what questions to ask, what are some of the red flags and more.

    Maile Ohye from Google is the face of the video and she does a very good job clearly documenting the main points one should look at during this process. She outlines the SEO hiring process in these three steps:

    • Conduct a two-way interview with your potential SEO. Check that they seem genuinely interested in you and your business.
    • Check their references.
    • Ask for a technical and search audit.

    Here is the video:

    The post Google releases new video on how to hire an SEO consultant appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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