• Breaking News

    martes, 27 de junio de 2017

    Google algorithm update may be rolling out since June 25

    Google seems to have been rolling out a large search algorithm update starting sometime around Sunday, June 25. Google’s John Mueller said, “We make updates all the time,” when asked specifically about the speculation around a Google update. In my opinion, there was an algorithm update to the Google search rankings over the past few days that is still rolling out.

    Google technically did not confirm it, outside of John Mueller’s typical reply to any questions around an algorithm update. But based on the industry chatter that I track closely and the automated tracking tools from Mozcast, SERPMetrics, Algoroo, Advanced Web Rankings, Accuranker, RankRanger and SEMRush, among other tools, it seems there was a real Google algorithm update.

    Again, Google’s PR team did not officially confirm it outside of John Mueller’s tweet.

    Here are some screen shots of those popular tracking tools:

    Here are some random tweets from industry SEOs:

    Check your analytics and rankings. You may be surprised to see changes in your traffic — hopefully for the better.

    The post Google algorithm update may be rolling out since June 25 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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